Friday 12 February 2016


I am pleased to say I have lost the weight I gained last week plus an extra .25lb. If I was doing this with a slimming club, I'd now have my half stone award 😁.  That means if I want to be down to 12St by Sian's wedding (and I do!) I need to lose 4.5lb in 3 weeks.  Should be possible, but we have two meals out next week, one on our daughter Kezia's 20th birthday, and one because we are meeting up with my beloved brother, Kevin. I am going to have to be super strict for the rest of the week to try and limit the damage!

As an aside, I tested my fasting blood sugar this morning and I was down to 4.5, which is the lowest it's been since I started testing.  Super excited!  I can't overstate how wonderful it feels to be finally taking control of my health.  Thanks Diet Doctor and The real meal revolution

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