Friday 19 November 2010

Photoshop Elements Rocks!!

I've tried using Paint shop Pro in the past and have found it so frustratingly difficult that I'd come to the conclusion that me and graphics programs were definitely NOT a match made in heaven. However, my hubby picked up a {very} cheap copy of Photoshop Elements 5 recently and tonight I've been having a play! And to my infinite surprise I've actually found I can make it work!! So here's my very first completely digi layout:

Ok, it's not fantastic, and it only uses elements from a free download, but hey, it's a start!!

Thursday 18 November 2010



Another photo from 2010's album. I went to the National Memorial Arboretum with my good friend Ellie in the spring and found it intensely moving. The central memorial lists all the names of those servicemen who have fallen in action since the end of the second world war. When you see the names of all those poor soldiers killed during the Iraqi and Afghanistani wars it makes it real somehow and the huge blank walls awaiting future casulties really makes you think.
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