Monday, 7 February 2022



I havebeen obsessed with Outlander since I discovered the series in October 2019 whilst stuck at home alone during a bout of one of my many illnesses.  I was literally hooked within the first couple of minutes, and that was before I saw the gorgeous Sam Heughan who plays Jamie Fraser!  I binge watched the 4 seasons which were available at the time and have re-watched several times since because it never gets old, even though it is mostly set in the 18th century haha. I'm eagerly waiting for season 6 which is released on March 6th.

Anyway Rebekah, my eldest, painted this little canvas for me for Christmas and I absolutely love it!  It's of me and Adam done in Outlander style.  I'm so glad Bekah has taken to doing painting again, it has a calming influence on her, just as crochet does with me.  I'm a firm believer in expressing creativity in whatever form you're able and that everyone has that capacity within them, it's just a case of finding your niche.

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