Friday, 12 February 2016


I am pleased to say I have lost the weight I gained last week plus an extra .25lb. If I was doing this with a slimming club, I'd now have my half stone award 😁.  That means if I want to be down to 12St by Sian's wedding (and I do!) I need to lose 4.5lb in 3 weeks.  Should be possible, but we have two meals out next week, one on our daughter Kezia's 20th birthday, and one because we are meeting up with my beloved brother, Kevin. I am going to have to be super strict for the rest of the week to try and limit the damage!

As an aside, I tested my fasting blood sugar this morning and I was down to 4.5, which is the lowest it's been since I started testing.  Super excited!  I can't overstate how wonderful it feels to be finally taking control of my health.  Thanks Diet Doctor and The real meal revolution

Thursday, 11 February 2016

New hairdo

I have had my hair cut today for the first time in 2 years!  It was done by Kayla at the local college graduate academy and I absolutely love it!!!  It looks so much thicker and healthier, I almost cried when it was finished.  Having not only fine hair, but not a lot of it either, I really appreciate having someone cut it so well.  Must make sure I don't leave it so long next time!

Monday, 8 February 2016

Spoke too soon!

Managed to gain a lb this week 😢.  We did have a takeaway which, even when picking what seemed to fit the plan, still almost certainly had no-nos in.  I was a bit upset on weigh day, hence leaving it until today to post but am feeling positive again tonight.
I spent some time this afternoon reading some more about lchf and realized I'm probably eating too much protein.  I'm also going to give up sugar free squash and revert back to sparkling water.  I don't know why I began drinking squash again, I'd been happily drinking plain sparkling water for over a year but suddenly began flavouring it with squash! It's amazing how easily bad habits creep back!