Monday, 23 June 2008

Car update

I thought I'd better give an update on the car situation. The police have never had the courtesy to ring back and because I didn't think to get the details of the officer attending the scene, I don't know which station to ring! All is not lost however, as the AA rang last week and to cut a long story short, they have put me in touch with their solicitors who are pursuing a personal injury claim on behalf of Rebekah and I. Thankfully, Elizabeth has shown no nasty effects of the crash and Rebekah is much better although still suffering with a headache. I, however, have still got neck pain, which by the end of the day has ususlly extended into my shoulders and back. I have taken painkillers, but anyone who knows me will know I have a habit of falling asleep after taking them so they are a definate last resort!
The car is still awaiting an Engineer to view it and formally write it off so we're no further along in that direction.

You may remember I'm taking part in a newbie CJ on UKS and as I haven't posted any pics of my entries for a while, this seems a good idea to catch up with them. This one was on the theme of 'my style' which I found quite hard as I don't really think I have one yet!!

Sunday, 15 June 2008


I can't believe it's two months since I blogged! Time flies eh?

Had a difficult day yesterday cos Me and two of my daughters were caught up in a police chase. The van they were chasing clipped my offside wing and just as I was thinking "Oi, what you do that for?", he deliberately reversed into me to try and block the road for the persuing police car. I carried on driving and pulled over in a safe spot so the police got past. I found out later that they had been chasing them (there were three in the van) for several miles and eventually the van reversed into the police car and they escaped on foot. Thankfully, we are all ok apart from very sore necks. We were checked out by the Paramedics at the scene and told to go to the hospital or GP if symptoms got any worse so we'll probably go to the Drs tomorrow just to be safe.

Here are some pics of the damage:

Monday, 24 March 2008

A couple of firsts

Been absent again! Life is so manic that one day seems to run into another. Since I last blogged we've celebrated Adam's birthday and enjoyed the long Easter weekend. Yesterday we went to a new Church and really enjoyed the service. We're hoping to make this our regular place of worship. Best of all, the church is only 10 minutes away in the car so is much more practical than previous churches we've gone to. Funny thing was, we didn't even know it existed until we had an unexpected visit from a friend who we hadn't seen for ages, who was looking for a street in our area so dropped by for some help. He told us about the Church as it's where he and his family go! Talk about all things working together for good!

Anyway, here's a page I did at the last crop. It's a landmark for me as it's the first time I've completed a crop challenge in the allotted time. I didn't like the mish-mash of title letters at first but I do now!

Friday, 14 March 2008

CJ Entry

Can't believe it's over a week again since I blogged. I'm getting really terrible! That's the trouble with having two pc's as only one has all the files and software I need to post pictures and that one is upstairs.

I posted the next CJ on Monday. It was on the theme of Magic and Sparkle, which I found really difficult as being a Christian I don't have anything to do with Magic in the supernatural or even magic tricks way. In the end I did an entry about the magic of Creation as the CJ owner said we could do what magic means to us. I hope she likes it.

Thursday, 6 March 2008

First pop-up Card

Now Mothers Day has gone by I can post pictures of the card I made for my Mum. I'm pleased with it as a first attempt but would like to experiment with the shaping. I've also completed a couple of layouts but, as usual am struggling to take photos. I am so in need of a new camera!

Friday, 29 February 2008

A couple of crafty bits

Here are the two things I promised a while ago:

The very pink layout of my youngest daughter when she was about 2. I love the crocheted flowers which I got from my secret santa. The page is based on a old UKS cyber crop and I'm really pleased with it, although the photo is awful!

Lizzy pink

This next one is my CJ cover. For some reason the scan over brightened everything but I'm not clever enough to change it!

CJ Cover

I'll post my DLO tomorrow (hopefully!)

Monday, 25 February 2008


Gone quiet agin, sorry. Just don't know where the time goes! The whole family have been ill at least once since I last blogged so I suppose I have a little excuse. Adam is still quite poorly although he is managing to go to work somehow.

I have a couple of crafty things to show you when I can get to the 'right' pc. How I'd love my own laptop - I can dream anyway! One is a very 'pink' layout made at my last crop and another is my CJ which I tearfully sent on it's way and won't see again until November!

I spent a little while last night making Mother's Day cards, but as my Mum reads my blog, I won't upload until after Sunday :lol:

Saturday, 2 February 2008

My first exploding box

Sorry for going quiet again. It's been so difficult to get on the pc that has the scanner etc connected to it!

I completed this exploding box this week. My friend Wendy and I cut a box out each way before Christmas but although I'd put the patterned papers on, I hadn't got around to picking photos or embellishments. I'm really pleased with the end result so it probably won't be long before I make another!



A word must go to Anso (glitter adventure) for her fabulous photo instructions. So easy to follow that I had the whole box cut in under half an hour. Thanks Anso!

Monday, 14 January 2008

Poorly Peeps......again!

All three of my girls are off school today. Two have jippy tummies and the other had no sleep at all last night so I didn't think it was fair to send her. Rebekah has a GCSE tomorrow so that is compounding things.

The next page of my journal shows a lovely card sent to me by my UKS team leader, Julie. It was totally unexpected and so doubly appreciated. Putting it in my journal means I can keep it forever too. Thanks Julie!


Friday, 11 January 2008

Rain, rain go away..........

What a soggy day! The rain has been incessant the whole day. I find it very depressing. Was going to do some scrapping tonight to cheer myself up but my hubby is sorting out in the room I use so there's no space! Thought I'd blog instead.

The next page from my journal may upset some but it is my honest feelings and my journal was made for me so here goes!


I used one of our Christmas cards for the motif, so I recycled too!

Thursday, 10 January 2008

Poorly Peeps

My Hubby and middle daughter are both at home today with tummy ache. It doesn't seem to be this terrible bug that has laid so many people low - at least I hope not!

I've been incredibly tired this week. I think it's re-adjusting to the early mornings because of school. It took me two hours just to open my eyes this morning! Consequently, I've not done any scrapping at all since last Saturday. I want to get my Christmas Journal finished so my head is clear to tackle other things.

I also discovered I'd read the CJ thread wrong and the first posting date is not til the 11th February - PHEW!!

Here's the next instalment of my journal: Christmas Dinner it's quite a simple page just documenting in words rather than pictures what we planned to eat on the Big Day.


Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Two more!

Two more pages from my Christmas Journal. Grateful is about things I am grateful for during the Christmas season.


Perfect Present? has a photo of a 'meat sucks' t-shirt which we bought for Rebekah. She has been a vegetarian for 15 months and has wanted this t-shirt for absolutely ages; there's no accounting for taste! I've never been that keen on it but decided to buy it for her for Christmas. I even had to go on the Drop Dead website complete with VERY heavy rock music to get it! Needless to say, she was delighted with it on Christmas Day.


Tuesday, 8 January 2008


I've been suffering with a very painful shoulder for a few months and finally went to the doctor today (after much pressure from family and friends!). It turns out I have a damaged tendon which is inflamed and restricting movement so I have to have a steroid injection in it next Thursday. The Doctor warned me that the injection is rather painful so I'm not really looking forward to it!

Anyway, here are another two pages from my Christmas Journal.

Carols tells of my love of Christmas Carols and my abhorrance of the ususal ditties that invade my ears in every shop I go into for weeks before Christmas. The journalling is under the music flap and is quite personal so I'm not going to share it here.


Visitors is about our usual Christmas visitors being one short this year as my younger brother couldn't get over to us. I missed him loads.


Monday, 7 January 2008

Two days in a row!

Can't believe I've managed to blog two days in a row, wonder how long it will last!

Here's a couple more pages from my Christmas Journal. Then and Now shows how I think the Christmas celebration has changed in this country over the last 20 years or so.


Present delivery documents our remarkably civilised method of opening our presents. Considering how the children normally behave, it really is quite amazing!


I found out today that the newbie CJ I have signed up for is now full and the first posting date is next Monday - HELP!!!

Sunday, 6 January 2008

Getting up to date

I'm an inconsistent blogger too evidently!

I'm still working on my Christmas Journal and am now up to day 22 so will eventually get there! I've been scanning, re-sizing and uploading a few of my pages this afternoon; I really shouldn't leave it so long as it takes ages when I have a pile to do! I'm only going to show a couple at a time as it's too much for a reader to plough through otherwise!

The first (day 8) is one that was waiting for pictures to be printed. It shows the lights in Birmingham City Centre where Adam works. It's nice to see they gave up on the 'Winterval' idea!


The second (day 11) shows some of our decorations. The children always end up hanging baubles in strange places as we don't have a tree. Here they are hung from the shelves of our bookcases, it looks pretty but a pain when you want a book!
